Da061l-3d Motherboard Bios LINK
i think i had same problem too, it may be about you system support only efi boot, or legacy boot, and you try to boot legacy on a efi.try booting in efi mode, changing the bios boot to efi and disable legacy mode. if that dont work try to enable legacy mode, and boot without efi..
da061l-3d motherboard bios
A reliable motherboard is essential in a high quality computer. Not only is a motherboard very difficult to swap out, but the effects of a poor quality motherboard can be far reaching and difficult to troubleshoot. This is complicated by the fact that motherboards are one of the most complex components in a computer. There are SATA, USB, fan, and network controllers as well as physical ports, audio chips, and everything else that is needed to inter-connect every component in your system. This is a huge number of small parts that have to work perfectly together, and any one of these could potentially have a problem. If there is a single dead USB port, slight static over the audio, or the voltage levels are measured outside of norm, it does not meet our standards and is considered to have failed.
Because of this, motherboards have one of the highest overall highest failure rate of any core component with 1 out of every 20 motherboards failing for one reason or another. This may seem like a high failure rate, but the silver lining is that nearly all of these failures we catch in-house before the system is shipped to the customer. In fact, motherboards as a whole only have a .54% (or about one out of every 200) when you only look at post-shipping failures.
At Puget Systems, every motherboard must pass an extensive qualification process but there is no substitute for reviewing hard evidence after offering the product for a period of time. We have to simply keep an eye on our failure reports and quickly move on any trends we may see. From these failure reports, we found four motherboards that had absolutely zero failures in 2013.
Interestingly, the only two Intel-based motherboards are from Asus' Workstation class of motherboards and both are the micro-ATX version. Surprisingly, we had no Intel-based desktop boards that had a low enough failure rate to warrant inclusion in this list. Instead, this is the first year that two AMD-based motherboards have made our most reliable hardware list, both using the AMD FM2 platform.
Impressively, even though more and more technology is moving from motherboards to CPUs (memory controller, voltage regulator, etc.), the overall failure rate for both Intel and AMD CPUs dropped dramatically in 2013. Whereas 2012 had an already impressive overall failure rate of .47%, 2013 was even better at just .39%. So instead of listing all the different CPU models that are extremely reliable, we are simply going to say that every CPU made in 2013 is incredibly reliable.
Second, we made a number of product line moves and additions in 2013 that turned out to be great for reliability. Chief among these was the move to Samsung 840 Pro SSDs which proved to be more reliable than their Intel counterparts (in our experience at least). Low voltage laptop SODIMM memory also was a great addition as it has shown to be much more reliable than the standard SODIMM RAM. Lastly, AMD CPU and motherboard reliability greatly improved in 2013, but AMD Radeon video cards as a whole dropped in reliability.