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Eli Sanchez
Eli Sanchez

Prayer Mp3

Play some of the prayers in Prayers for Our Lives. Check back later for more. Download function coming soon. To receive a prayer a month via email, sign up here. (Radio stations: open use when used in entirety.)

Prayer mp3


From the early years of Kansas City with Mike Bickle to training intercessors around the world John Paul Jackson was a man of prayer. He prayed with passion and longed to see believers grow in their understanding of the authority and privilege we have been given to approach the throne of grace. Listen in to these life-changing messages that will propel your prayer life forward! This bundle includes all of the teaching sets John Paul released about prayer.

Rediscover the dependency we have on prayer. Change happens because people pray!Learn that prayer allows you to understand God's will and intentions.Learn the protocol of prayer and the importance of repentance.Make yourself available to God, and He will give you the grace and the supernatural ability to pray as Daniel prayed.

Join John Paul Jackson as he explores one of Daniel's major prayers and the great magnitude it carries for us. In this nation, we have a choice facing us-the opportunity to make a change. God will give the grace we need if we but ask for it.

As you listen in you will be given practical steps to deepen your prayer life, encounter revelation, and experience the embrace of God. This 2 CD message is the foundation for the book The Art of Praying the Scriptures that John Paul Jackson and John E. Thomas wrote, also available on this website!

Discover the untapped richness and blessing packed away in the prayer Jesus revealed to His disciples when they asked Him how they should pray. This was recorded in 2005 as John Paul taught this to his staff.

From the early years of Kansas City with Mike Bickle to training intercessors around the world John Paul Jackson was a man of prayer. He prayed with passion and longed to see believers grow in their understanding of the authority and privilege we have been given to approach the throne of grace. Listen in to these life-changing messages that will propel your prayer life forward! This bundle includes all of the teaching sets John Paul released about prayer. If purchased individually it would be $30 only $19 in this bundle!

Do you want a richer, more robust prayer life? Your prayers are powerful Learn how to pray with confidence, faith, and an awareness of the Holy Spirit as you draw from world-changing prayers from Scripture in this inspiring guide to a transformed spiritual life. The Prayer Code is the latest addition to O. S. Hawkins's bestselling series that includes The Joshua Code and The Jesus Code.

David prayed for protection from his enemies. Jesus prayed for all believers. The early Church prayed for courage. The most powerful prayers of Scripture have one thing in common: they reflect the promises of God in His Word, promises that are available to you today, just as they were to people in the Bible.

Each of the entries includes a prayer, life-guiding principles you can draw from that prayer, and a code word to help you apply those truths to your life. With its presentation page and ribbon marker, The Prayer Code makes a beautiful gift for:

Whether you offer a prayer of confession, thanksgiving, praise, intercession, petition, or communion, you can be confident that you're praying as the Bible teaches. Transform your prayer life as you learn to pray with passion to a loving Father who longs for you to draw near.

This audio features the chanting of the migtsema prayer, a short prayer which praises Lama Tsongkhapa as being Avalokiteshvara, Vajrapani, and Majushri, and having their associated qualities of compassion, power, and wisdom. It is usually recited within the Gelug tradition at the beginning and end of teachings or prayer sessions.

Do you understand how important it is to pray for your pastor and church? Do you know how to build a prayer team in your church? Do you understand how important it is to pray for your pastor and church?

Pray-As-You-Go is a daily prayer podcast produced by Jesuit Media Initiatives, a group of Jesuits in Britain. Pray-As-You-Go combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection in a new, ten-minute prayer session every day.

Each morning, Monday through Friday at 6:30am EST and the FIRST Sunday of each month at 9:00pm EST and the THIRD Wednesday of each month at 9:30am EST. God will hear our voice as we bring our requests to Him and wait expectantly. Also advise if you have special prayer requests by emailing them to [email protected]

A Rabbi friend, as well as my own Rabbi refered me to your sight. I was thrilled to find the weekday prayer service in the proper nussach both morning and evening. I am comfortable and familiar with shabbat service but do not get the opportunity to daven in a weekday minyan and wanted to learn the service.

Todah raba a million times. This is wonderful; such a gift for I am sure many of us. Once it came to my hands I couldn't stop listening. Going to shul once a week is a slow process for learning all the prayers and melodies. This tool makes the path of learning one of light, joy and happiness. Shalom,

Thank you for the creation of such wonderful programs on CD. I have to say that these CDs (although I downloaded mine from iTunes) are the best, not to mention the clearest, form of teaching prayers that I have ever come across. For someone who was not brought up religiously and does not read nor speak Hebrew, this program has been the best teaching tool of all for me and my entire family. So, to all who may be reading this feedback and are debating whether to buy it or not, I say go ahead and do it. You will not be disappointed.

Consider this a fan letter. My sons are learning the prayers and we just found the website with your tutorial. Not only are the lessons/instructions excellent but your voice is clear and comforting. Brings back memories.

Rabbi, I can't tell you how much I enjoy listening and studying the various weekday and shabbat prayers on your website. In a very short time I have been able to learn and lead many of the prayers in my shul. I just wanted to thank you for lighting that flame in me...

Now it's part of my everyday schedule (except Shabbat, of course) to sit down in front of my laptop and learn a Tfillah I don't know. (Prior to finding your site, I was asking people to record Tfillot for me, so I can listen to them and learn them). The combination of your great voice and beautiful prayer style makes it easy to follow along and memorize.

As we began to prepare for our daughter's bat mitzvah at our Conservative congregation here in central New Jersey, I sat down to google an audio recording of birkat ha-mazon and some additional prayers, to assist some family members just learning these prayers. Our congregation is still developing such digital resources -- we do have a 2-CD tefillah collection, as well as a recently added zemirot CD for our hebrew school program --and eventually came across your recordings. Please accept my gratitude and compliments for putting such a clear, instructional selection of recordings on the Web. While I had first found recordings from several outreach sources, they were neither as comprehensive as yours, nor were they consistent with modern Conservative practice. Listening to Rabbi Zimmerman's recordings will be very helpful. Steve Polinsky, Middlesex County, NJ

Although the text was written by Andrew Reed (b. St. Clement Danes, London, England, 1787; d. Hackney, London, 1862), it was published anonymously in the Evangelical Magazine, June 1829, with the heading "Hymn to the Spirit, Sung on the late Day appointed for solemn Prayer and Humiliation." The "late Day" referred to Good Friday of that year, which had been set aside by the Congregational clergy of London for prayer for "the renewal of religion in the British churches." The original text began "Spirit divine, attend our prayers" and had seven stanzas (st. 7 was a virtual repeat of st. 1), His stanzas 1-3 and 6 are included in modernized form.

The text begins with a prayer for the working of the Holy Spirit in our hearts (st. 1). It then uses the metaphors of light, fire, and the dove to enable us to see the Spirit's work more clearly: "Come as the light" is a prayer for illumination (st. 2); "Come as the fire" is a prayer for cleansing (st. 3); and "Come as the dove" is a prayer for peace and unity (st. 4).

Spirit Divine, attend our prayer. A. Reed. [Whitsuntide.] This hymn appeared, unsigned, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines, in the Evangelical Magazine for June 1829, with the heading, "Hymn to the Spirit. Sung on the late Day appointed for solemn Prayer and Humiliation in the Eastern District of the Metropolis". From the April number of the same magazine we find that the "Day appointed for Solemn Prayer," &c, was the Good Friday of that year, and that it was "cordially recommended . . . " as a day of humiliation and prayer, with a view to promote, by the divine blessing, a revival of religion in the British churches," by the Board of Congregational Ministers, resident in and about London, whose recommendation is dated "Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1829." The hymn was republished in Dr. Reed's Hymn Book, 1842; and again, in the Wyliffe Chapel Supply 1872. It is the most widely known of Dr. Reed's hymns, and is in extensive use. It is one of his best productions.

Spirit Divine, attend our prayer, p. 1074, ii. The form of this hymn most generally adopted in modern American collections is that rewritten by S. Longfellow, and I included in Longfellow and Johnson's Hymns of the Spirit, 1864. It is No. 67 in The Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904.

We see this reality epitomized in the life and ministry of Jesus. Our Lord was a man of prayer. His prayer life was very intense and highly productive. This CD-series is designed to kick-start your prayer life by showing you the different dimensions and depths that you can attain in prayer. 041b061a72


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